Companion Website | Jones & Bartlett Learning

Welcome to the Companion Website: Arrhythmia Recognition: The Art of Interpretation, Second Edition by Tomas B. Garcia and Daniel J. Garcia. This website features interactive and informative learning resources that gauge understanding and help students study more effectively. Created as a practical learning tool for students, it gives students an opportunity to try out new concepts in a safe learning environment.


Use Flashcards to guide you through learning each chapter’s important key terms. They provide a definition and ask you for the key term.


Gain a greater understanding of the text’s concepts with Animations that provide interactive learning experiences by reinforcing concepts visually.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives help you focus your study by providing a snapshot of key information in each chapter.

High-Yield Chapters

High-yield chapters on narrow- and wide-complex tachycardia. Medical texts use the concept of high-yield learning to provide maximum information in the smallest amount of space. Similar to outlines or bullet-point notes, high-yield content is useful for quick reviews and focused study. Use these to familiarize yourself with material in a concise way, or for reviewing already-known material.

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Arrhythmia Recognition: The Art of Interpretation, Second Edition